Taking Back the Sky: Counter-UAV

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December 4, 2017 | Originally published by Date Line: December 4 on

The security threat posed by the misuse of commercially-available unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology has become a serious concern for the defense and intelligence world. A simple online search today presents a list of thousands of incidents involving improper drone flights, from near misses to crashes, with at least 3,456 such accounts being confirmed in 2016 – almost triple the number encountered in 2015.

However, as defense agencies eye this threat, ever more sophisticated counter-UAV (C-UAV) technologies for wayward UAVs are being developed and matured, with many going a step beyond the conventional jamming-centric techniques that have traditionally lacked sufficient situational control and precision. When a drone is jammed, it may land in place, or it may return to its point of launch – the result is unpredictable.