Scientific and Technical Information (STI)
DSIAC has the task of seeking out and collecting STI generated from research paid for by the DoD or U.S. government and then uploading it to DTIC’s Research & Engineering Gateway in order to increase the body of knowledge available to DoD researchers and engineers.
The DSIAC STI Program is governed by DoD Directive 3200.12, DoD STI Program (STIP), and strives to improve the buying power of the federal government by boosting research and development efficiency and minimizing waste.
DSIAC is principally focused on collecting STI that relates to any of the technical focus areas of Advanced Materials, Autonomous Vehicles, C4ISR, Directed Energy, Energetics, Military Sensing, Non-Lethal Weapons, RMQSI, Survivability and Vulnerability, and Weapons Systems.
Contribute to STI
You are strongly encouraged to submit relevant STI or direct our knowledge management staff toward STI sources in order to support STI collection efforts. To contribute to the STI program, please contact DSIAC.