Sky and Space Signs Agreement with U.S. DoD for Nano-Satellite Operations

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April 18, 2017 | Originally published by Date Line: April 18 on

Sky & Space Global Ltd (ASX: SAS, “Sky and Space Global” or the “Company”) is pleased to advise that it signed a Cooperation Agreement for Sharing Space Situational Awareness Services (Agreement) with the United States of America Department of Defense (DoD). The Agreement is facilitated through the United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC) and ensures the safe operation of the Company’s nano-satellites.

USSTRATCOM has been delegated authority by the US Secretary of Defense to provide Space Situational Awareness (SSA) services and information to Sky and Space Global. USSTRATCOM is responsible for the detection and tracking of all artificial objects in Earth’s orbit and will assist the Company with the safe and long-term operations of its nano-satellites.

As per the Agreement, USSTRATCOM will provide SAS with SSA services such as Anomaly Resolution, Collision Avoidance Support, Conjunction Assessment, Deorbit and Re-entry Support, Disposal/Endof-Life Support, Electromagnetic Interference Investigation and On-Orbit Information to ensure the safe operation of the Company’s nano-satellites to be used in its narrow bandwidth communication constellation.

The Agreement represents a significant validation of the expertise of the Company’s management team and their stature in the aerospace industry. Additionally, it recognizes the mutual objectives of the parties to work together to ensure safe and peaceful space flight operations.