This Mechanical Shock Testing & Data Analysis Short Course will provide a comprehensive treatment of mechanical shock test techniques and data analysis for shocks from 100 g to 200,000 g. Mechanical shock instrumentation from low-frequency techniques for underwater explosions to high-frequency techniques for ballistic shock will be reviewed in detail, along with the techniques and data analyses to evaluate the instrumentation measuring these shocks. This course is highly recommended for all lead technicians and managers of environmental test laboratories.
Over three days of instruction, Dr. Vesta Bateman will lecture on topics including:
- Introduction to Mechanical Shock
- Mechanical Shock Instrumentation and Measurement
- Certification of Shock Instrumentation Devices
- Time and Frequency Domain Shock Specifications
- Shock Analysis Using Acceleration
- Data Acquisition System Calibration/Use
- MATLAB Data Analysis
- Shock Testing Machines for Components and Full-Scale Systems
- Navy Mechanical Shock Machines
- Pyroshock Testing and Simulation
- Accelerometer, MEMS, and Materials Evaluations
- Component Pyroshock Simulations
- Uncertainty Analysis
- Pseudo Velocity Shock Spectra (PVSS) Topics