A Novel Robotic Jellyfish Able to Perform 3-D Jet Propulsion and Maneuvers

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August 13, 2019 | Originally published by Date Line: August 13 on

As a source of inspiration, aquatic creatures such as fish, cetaceans, and jellyfish could inspire innovative designs to improve the ways that manmade systems operate in and interact with aquatic environments. Jellyfishes in nature propel themselves through their surroundings by radially expanding and contracting their bell-shaped bodies to push water behind them, which is called jet propulsion.

Contrary to the prevailing view that jellyfishes are described as inefficient swimmers, jellyfishes have been proven to be one of the most energetically efficient swimmers. That is, it has been shown that jellyfish-like swimming will have a remarkable propulsive advantage if low-energy propulsion is demanded. Therefore, the movements of jellyfish have attracted significant interest over the past decade in the context of bioinspired underwater vehicles.