Navy Price Fighters Develop Additive Manufacturing Cost, Time Model

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U.S. Navy

September 28, 2022 | Originally published by U.S. Navy on September 20, 2022

NORFOLK, Va. – Additive Manufacturing, more commonly known as 3-D printing, is becoming a popular solution in industrial settings. But when it comes to military application, there was no business model to help determine return on investment until the Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support (NAVSUP WSS) Navy Price Fighters (NPFs) developed the Additive Manufacturing Cost and Time (AMCAT) decision tool.

The NPFs were tasked in October 2016 to develop a means to determine a business case for additive manufacturing. They reviewed numerous articles, industry publications, and U.S. Department of Defense guidance regarding AM and discovered there wasn’t a consistent path for determining a business case for AM.

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