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US Special Operators Demand More Firepower and Protection for Their Newest Battle Buggies

U.S. Special Operations Command is planning to spend millions to refit a number of its newest light vehicles, known as the Ground Mobility Vehicle 1.1, or GMV 1.1, with new turrets with better protection or remote weapon stations armed with machine guns and guided anti-tank missiles. The new details have emerged after a scathing media

Marine Infantry Squads and Snipers Select I-CUGR Laser Rangefinder

The Marine Corps has selected a small compact laser rangefinder that can be affixed to a rifle, boosting the lethality and capabilities of Marine infantry squads. After a series of testing and market research from Marine Corps Systems Command, the Corps picked the Integrated – Compact Ultralight Gun-mounted Rangefinder, or I-CUGR, manufactured by Safran Optics

Northrop Grumman Has Patented a Kinetic Missile Defense System for Stealth Aircraft

The concept could provide a close-in “missile defense bubble” around future combat aircraft like the B-21 Raider. We have been talking a lot lately about some cutting-edge technologies that could be incorporated into the upcoming B-21 Raider stealth bomber or in other future stealthy aircraft designs. Seeing as evolving integrated air defense system technology will

Pentagon Office Shares Details About Hypervelocity Missile Defense Weapon

A new weapon system developed by the Strategic Capabilities Office — a secretive Pentagon agency meant to advance cutting-edge technology — could improve integrated air and missile defense by reducing overall costs and increasing flexibility, said an official Jan. 25. The technology — known as the hypervelocity gun weapon system, or HGWS — is a

Surface Forces Refocused: Seeking Balance in Readiness Production and Consumption

Two essential processes are at work in today’s surface force: the production of readiness and the consumption of readiness. No matter where a ship is homeported, she is either generating readiness through maintenance, modernization, and training or she is consuming it with operations at sea. The production of readiness is a function of many inputs

Identification of Scintillation Signatures on GPS Signals

Ionospheric scintillation originates from the scattering of electromagnetic waves through spatial gradients in the plasma density distribution, drifting across a given propagation direction. Ionospheric scintillation represents a disruptive manifestation of adverse space weather conditions through degradation of the reliability and continuity of satellite telecommunication and navigation systems and services (e.g., European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service,

Rule-Breaking Perovskites

A material from the perovskite family of semiconductors emits light much more efficiently than expected. The explanation for this anomalous behaviour could lead to improvements in light-emitting technology. When a semiconductor absorbs light, a particle-like entity called an exciton can be produced. Excitons comprise an electron and a hole (the absence of an electron), and

SpaceX “Ties” ULA’s Annual Launch Record with 16th Launch in 2017 -“Beats” it with 17th & 18th

SpaceX’s Oct. 30 launch of the Koreasat-5A telecommunications satellite doubled the number of Falcon 9 missions completed in a single year and tied the company with United Launch Alliance’s record of 16 launches in one year. The successful mission took off from Cape Canaveral, Florida at 3:34 p.m. Eastern, deploying the satellite 36 minutes after

Anti-ship Cruise Missile Tracks Target”s Radar Using Artificial Intelligence

The Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) is the US Navy”s latest addition to its arsenal in order to target ships. It is designed to search for and find enemy ships, and destroy them using onboard AI. The LRASM is a cruise missile that is set to replace the ageing Harpoon and will be the Navy”s

Navy to Demo ‘Motley Crew’ Collaborative Drone Attack

The next big thing for unmanned naval aviation is a group of unmanned aerial systems that can share information and then assign tasks and make strategic targeting decisions based on available intelligence. This concept, called Motley Crew, will be demonstrated by the Navy in 2018 or 2019, said Rear Adm. Mark Darrah, the service”s program

Nervana Engine Delivers Deep Learning at Ludicrous Speed!

Nervana is currently developing the Nervana Engine, an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) that is custom-designed and optimized for deep learning. Training a deep neural network involves many compute-intensive operations, including matrix multiplication of tensors and convolution. Graphics processing units (GPUs) are more well-suited to these operations than CPUs since GPUs were originally designed for

This 240-Rocket Semi Truck Means Business

Sometimes one or two rockets just won”t do, and you need 239 or 240. That”s the thinking behind the Jobari Defense Systems Multiple Cradle Launcher (MCL). Developed in the United Arab Emirates, MCL can ripple fire more than two hundred rockets at some unfortunate target, saturating an area with tens of thousands of lethal steel