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NORTHCOM Commander Confident in U.S. Ability to Counter North Korea

The United States is currently capable of countering potential attacks from foreign adversaries, but it cannot slow down on building its capacity and readiness, the commander of U.S. Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command said Sept. 27. “I am entirely confident in our ability to defend the United States, but that doesn’t mean

US Marines Want Pint-Sized Rocket Artillery They Can Carry in an MV-22 Osprey

After demonstrating its ability to fire artillery rockets from decks of U.S. Navy ships, the U.S. Marine Corps now says it is interested in a similar, but super-compact mobile weapon system small enough to fit inside its MV-22B Osprey tilt-rotors or its future CH-53K King Stallion heavy lift helicopters. Such a vehicle would greatly increase

Logistics Battalion Is the Marine Corps” Next Experimental Unit

MANAMA, Bahrain — Thank the Marine Corps” first experimental infantry unit, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, for the quadcopters that are coming to grunt squads and a host of high-speed technology that will follow. But after two years of experimentation during training exercises and a deployment to the Pacific, 3/5 is standing down — and a

How to Get Sprayed Metal Coatings to Stick

When spraying metal coatings, melting hurts rather than helps, MIT research reveals. When bonding two pieces of metal, either the metals must melt a bit where they meet or some molten metal must be introduced between the pieces. A solid bond then forms when the metal solidifies again. But researchers at MIT have found that

Future Zero Emission Hydrogen Boilers Could Heat Your Home

In Italy, one business is looking to use hydrogen to help heat properties. The Giacomini Group”s Federico Fioroni told CNBC that the company”s work on hydrogen dates back to the early 2000s, as part of a wider project looking at different sustainable sources of energy. “The aim of the project was to develop a sustainable,

General Atomics Capacitors Selected for Non-Lethal Vehicle Stopper

General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) announced today that it has been awarded a contract from the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate (JNLWD) through the Department of Defense Ordnance Technology Consortium (DOTC) to develop and supply advanced, high energy density capacitors for integration into a non-lethal Pre-Emplaced Vehicle Stopper (PEVS) system for use in force protection and

New Machines for Army Arsenal Add More Than Capability, They Enhance Safety

Whenever a new manufacturing machine is brought on line here, the first questions by visitors usually are: How much does the machine cost and what capability will it enhance? But with the latest installation of a hollow-spindle lathe, there might be a better question to ask — How much safer will the machine be for

Marines Testing Polymer Solutions to Cut Ammo Weight

The top equipment official for the Marine Corps recently said he believes that polymer is the answer to cutting ammunition weight for infantry squads. The Marines are focusing on lightening the load infantry squads carry into battle, William Williford, executive director of Marine Corp Systems Command, told an audience Monday at the Navy League’s Sea,

Ultra-Stable Perovskite Solar Cell Remains Stable for Over a Year

Perovskite solar cells promise cheaper and efficient solar energy, with enormous potential for commercialization. But even though they have been shown to achieve over 22{261f6ead6a0f3cabae584e9904bae8bd53a3c91c6c837aa2d58453541104ad2d} power-conversion efficiency, their operational stability still fails market requirements. Despite a number of proposed solutions in fabrication technology, this issue has continued to undercut whatever incremental increases in efficiency have

New Material for Splitting Water Could Make Hydrogen Production Cheaper

UNSW chemists have invented a new, cheap catalyst for splitting water with an electrical current to efficiently produce clean hydrogen fuel. UNSW chemists have invented a new, cheap catalyst for splitting water with an electrical current to efficiently produce clean hydrogen fuel. The technology is based on the creation of ultrathin slices of porous metal-organic

Researchers Create 3-D Printed Tensegrity Objects Capable of Dramatic Shape Change

A team of researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology has developed a way to use 3-D printers to create objects capable of expanding dramatically that could someday be used in applications ranging from space missions to biomedical devices. The new objects use tensegrity, a structural system of floating rods in compression and cables in

The Ethics of Using Brain Implants to Upgrade Yourself

Neurotechnology is one of the hottest areas of engineering, and the technological achievements sound miraculous: Paralyzed people have controlled robotic limbs and computer cursors with their brains, while blind people are receiving eye implants that send signals to their brains’ visual centers. Researchers are figuring out how to make better implantable devices and scalp electrodes