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New Technique Makes Light Metallic Nanofoam

A simple method for manufacturing extremely low-density palladium nanofoams could help advance hydrogen storage technologies, reports a new study from the University of California, Davis. Traditional metallic foam manufacturing techniques may require high temperature, high pressure and controlled chemical environments. The UC Davis-led team instead relies on a wet chemistry approach that is well-suited for

Novel Circuit Design Boosts Wearable Thermoelectric Generators

Using flexible conducting polymers and novel circuitry patterns printed on paper, researchers have demonstrated proof-of-concept wearable thermoelectric generators that can harvest energy from body heat to power simple biosensors for measuring heart rate, respiration or other factors. Because of their symmetrical fractal wiring patterns, the devices can be cut to the size needed to provide

Reliability, Maintainability and Risk (Ninth Edition): Practical Methods for Engineers

Reliability, Maintainability and Risk: Practical Methods for Engineers, Ninth Edition, has taught reliability and safety engineers techniques to minimize process design, operation defects, and failures for 35 years. For beginners, the book provides tactics on how to avoid pitfalls in this complex and wide field. For experts in the field, well-described, realistic, and illustrative examples

Army Gear Update: What”s Headed Your Way

Here are some updates on just a few of the soldier-centric projects being developed and fielded by Program Executive Officer Soldier from the unit commander, Brig. Gen. Brian P. Cummings, and his staff. Leaner, better fitting body armor – the Modular Scalable Vest (MSV). The Soldier Protection System (SPS) is the Army’s next generation Personal

Next Army Combat Vehicle May Feature Active Protection, Laser Weapons

The Army plans to have a blueprint for its successor to the M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank and Bradley Fighting Vehicle by 2022. But for now, leaders have only a wish list. The Next Generation Combat Vehicle (NGCV) needs to be smarter and leaner than its predecessors — and completely reimagined, said Maj. Gen. Eric

JIDO Seeks Nontraditional Partners for Defeating Roadside Bombs, Enemy Drones

The Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization, also known as JIDO, is looking far and wide to find better ways of thwarting enemy unmanned aerial systems and other improvised weapons, its director said Oct. 17. Militant groups such as ISIS have employed numerous types of improvised explosive devices to attack U.S. troops and allied forces. They include

Northrop Grumman Begins Production of MCU for Spider Networked Munition

U.S. Army munitions experts are asking engineers at Northrop Grumman Corp. to begin producing an improved remote-control unit for a network of soldier-controlled anti-personnel grenades that can sense enemy intrusions and enable warfighters to fire the explosives remotely. Officials of the Army Contracting Command New Jersey at Picatinny Arsenal, N.J., announced a $13.4 million order

Details of Sweden’s 120 mm Mjolner Development Emerge

Manned firing trials of the prototype/demonstrator of BAE Systems Hagglunds’ CV90 twin 120 mm Mjolner mortar system are now underway and it is expected that the Critical Design Review (CDR) will take place by the end of 2017, which will lead to the design freeze and allow production to commence. When completed, the Mjolner system

Northrop Grumman Begins Production of MCU for Spider Networked Munition

U.S. Army munitions experts are asking engineers at Northrop Grumman Corp. to begin producing an improved remote-control unit for a network of soldier-controlled anti-personnel grenades that can sense enemy intrusions and enable warfighters to fire the explosives remotely. Officials of the Army Contracting Command New Jersey at Picatinny Arsenal, N.J., announced a $13.4 million order

Reconfigurable RF and Microwave Gear for Radar, EW, SIGINT, and Communications

U.S. Army RF and microwave researchers are surveying industry for technologies that could enable reconfigurable multi-function systems able to switch quickly between radar, electronic warfare (EW), signals intelligence (SIGINT), and communications. Officials of the Army Contracting Command issued a request for information (W56KGU-18-X-0002) for the Reconfigurable Multi-Function System Capabilities project. The Army Contracting Command issued

Virtual Reality for Defense Less About ‘Reality’ Than Results

From audiences ducking to ‘avoid’ moving objects on the screen to gamers suffering motion sickness when using the latest headsets, the gap between reality and simulation is slowly disappearing. The defence world has identified the benefits of this. The market is teeming with solutions that exploit VR for military operations, primarily in order to benefit

UK Sees Progress in Autonomous Military Plans

Tech companies are seizing opportunities under MoD’s new drive for intelligent logistics solutions. The rise of advanced autonomous technologies is providing new opportunities for tech companies to engage with the defence sector. Recognising the potential of intelligent systems to the warfighter, the Ministry of Defence is seeing promising results from its Defence and Security Accelerator