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Solar Drone Capable of Quasi-Perpetual Flight Tested in the Arctic

Researchers testing cutting-edge unmanned aerial vehicle technology went to the 24 hours a day sunlight of Greenland to power ‘perpetual’ solar drone flights. The main goal of the project from the manufacturer’s perspective was to find a practical application of a solar-powered drone that could fly indefinitely, as there’d been few real-world uses. To partial

Solar Material for Producing Clean Hydrogen Fuel

Osaka University researchers create new material based on gold and black phosphorus to produce clean hydrogen fuel using the full spectrum of sunlight. Global climate change and the energy crisis mean that alternatives to fossil fuels are urgently needed. Among the cleanest low-carbon fuels is hydrogen, which can react with oxygen to release energy, emitting

New Nanomaterial Can Extract Hydrogen Fuel from Seawater

It”s possible to produce hydrogen to power fuel cells by extracting the gas from seawater, but the electricity required to do it makes the process costly. UCF researcher Yang Yang has come up with a new hybrid nanomaterial that harnesses solar energy and uses it to generate hydrogen from seawater more cheaply and efficiently than

New Nanomaterial Can Extract Hydrogen Fuel from Seawater

It”s possible to produce hydrogen to power fuel cells by extracting the gas from seawater, but the electricity required to do it makes the process costly. UCF researcher Yang Yang has come up with a new hybrid nanomaterial that harnesses solar energy and uses it to generate hydrogen from seawater more cheaply and efficiently than

Air Force Opens AFWerX Facility Near Las Vegas

The Air Force is taking a page out of Special Operations Command”s rapid acquisition book to launch its own technology accelerator program, as it works to find cutting-edge and affordable solutions to various technology challenges, the service secretary said Sept. 27. “We just set up our first AFwerX” between Nellis Air Force Base and the

Upgraded Lockheed Martin Laser Outguns Threat in Half the Time

A Lockheed Martin prototype laser weapon system proved that an advanced system of sensors, software and specialized optics can deliver decisive lethality against unmanned aerial vehicle threats. In tests conducted with the U.S. Army”s Space and Missile Defense Command in August, the 30-kilowatt class ATHENA (Advanced Test High Energy Asset) system brought down five 10.8”

Laser Weapons to Help Defend Tactical Aircraft

Laser weapons experts at Lockheed Martin Corp. are helping the U.S. Air Force develop a compact, ruggedized, high-power laser to defend tactical aircraft flying at or above the speed of sound from enemy aircraft and missiles. The program entitled Laser Advancements for Next-generation Compact Environments (LANCE) seeks to explore ways of reducing risk for laser

Army Kills Contract for XM-25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement System

U.S. Army”s senior leadership has ended an agreement with Orbital ATK Inc. that spanned two decades over the XM25 25mm airburst weapon, a move that could put the troubled weapon system”s future into jeopardy. The service”s XM25 Counter-Defilade Target Engagement System is a semi-automatic, shoulder-fired weapon that fires 25mm high-explosive, air-bursting ammunition. Nicknamed “the Punisher”

Future Combat Systems Didn’t Truly Die

Mention the words “Future Combat Systems” around Army officials, lawmakers or think tank types and their gut reaction will inevitably be a groan. In fact, it’s probably not a good idea to mention the program in the presence of senior service officials at all. Eight years after its cancellation, some say the service’s reputation has

Upgraded Lockheed Martin Laser Outguns Threat in Half the Time

A Lockheed Martin prototype laser weapon system proved that an advanced system of sensors, software and specialized optics can deliver decisive lethality against unmanned aerial vehicle threats. In tests conducted with the U.S. Army”s Space and Missile Defense Command in August, the 30-kilowatt class ATHENA (Advanced Test High Energy Asset) system brought down five 10.8”

Scientists Develop Computer-Guided Strategy to Accelerate Materials Discovery

Researchers at the University of Liverpool have developed a computer-guided strategy that led to the discovery of two new materials in the laboratory. In a paper published in Nature, researchers describe an algorithm that uses chemical understanding of the structures of known materials to suggest which new combinations of atoms will create a new material

Attacking Unplanned Downtime Through Predictive Maintenance

A new Industrial Internet Consortium testbed aims to tackle the inefficiency of scheduled preventative maintenance. With the real-time data flow of IIoT-enabled machines and components, predictive maintenance has the potential to make preventative maintenance obsolete. The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) was founded by AT&T, Cisco, General Electric, IBM and Intel in 2014. The IIC is