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NRL Scientists Receive ASME Best Paper Award for ‘Slicer’ Algorithm

Three research scientists from the Computational Multiphysics Systems Lab, at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), have been awarded the Best Paper Award by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) for their research on geometric algorithms known as ‘slicers’ used in additive manufacturing. The “Best of Conference Paper” was awarded to Drs. Athanasios Iliopoulos,

Breaking the Multicore Bottleneck

It’s Getting Crowded: The Intel Haswell-EX Xeon E7 V3 processor has 18 cores trying to work together without messing up one another’s calculations. A bit of additional hardware could speed up communication among the cores. Researchers at North Carolina State University and at Intel have come up with a solution to one of the modern

Defeating the Threat of Small Unmanned Aerial Systems

Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) offer new or improved military capability in many airpower applications. Contemporary UASs range in size from aircraft with wingspans exceeding 150 feet to vehicles that fit into the palm of an operator’s hand. Medium-sized unmanned aircraft such as the MQ-1B Predator have become icons of American counterterrorism warfare, but small unmanned

Navy Laser Mine Detection Now Operational

The Airborne Laser Mine Detection System (ALMDS) developed by Northrop Grumman for the MH-60S Seahawk helicopter has reached initial operational capability, according to Navy spokesman Alan Baribeau. The ALMDS makes use of the motion of the aircraft and advanced bathymetric laser pulse technology to identify and localize mines in shallow areas, such as littoral zones

Army Plans to Shoot Supplies to its Own Soldiers Inside Hollow Mortars

The U.S. Army is researching a new way to resupply troops: by bombing them with mortars. The service was recently granted a patent for a method that uses hollow artillery shells, GPS, and parasails to deliver goods to soldiers pinned down on the battlefield. In this era of automatic weapons, it”s relatively easy to run

How the Army”s Legacy Systems Take on 21st Century Threats

Despite the high-tech threats facing U.S. forces, the Army continues to operate platforms and vehicles that are decades old. The threat from electronic jamming or electronic warfare is significantly more advanced than decades past, with adversaries such as Russia demonstrating capabilities that have worried commanders. The Army Reprogramming Analysis Team (ARAT) works to keep legacy

Army Developing Laser-Guided, Precision Mortar

The Army has closed its initial solicitation phase for designs to create a next generation precision mortar that will allow Soldiers to put their rounds on target with extreme accuracy. The 120 mm high explosive guided mortar, or HEGM program, is intended to replace the current precision-guided HE mortar, the accelerated precision mortar initiative or

Navy Pursues Advanced Drone Ship Mine-Hunting Tech

The Navy is continuing to move forward with development of the Unmanned Influence Sweep System (UISS) countermine technologies as part of its overall effort to create a fleet of unmanned vehicles capable of enhanced coordination while performing a wider range of technical operations. The Navy most recently affirmed its commitment to the UISS and the

Cold Spray Repairs Save Time and Money

A new method of patching metal components with a cold spray process called Kinetic Metallization is saving the Naval Aviation Enterprise time and money in repairing aircraft components and returning them to the fleet. Kinetic Metallization, generically referred to as cold spray, is an additive, solid-state thermal spray process that restores components’ critical dimensional features

NRL Develops Lighter, Field Repairable Transparent Armor

Research chemists at U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) have developed and patented a transparent thermoplastic elastomer armor to reduce weight, inherent in most bullet-resistant glass, while maintaining superior ballistic properties. Thermoplastic elastomers are soft, rubbery polymers converted by physical means, rather than a chemical process, to a solid. Consequently, the solidification is reversible and enables

Electroplating Delivers High-Energy, High-Power Batteries

Researchers at the University of Illinois, Xerion Advanced Battery Corporation and Nanjing University in China developed a method for electroplating lithium-ion battery cathodes, yielding high-quality, high-performance battery materials that could also open the door to flexible and solid-state batteries. “This is an entirely new approach to manufacturing battery cathodes, which resulted in batteries with previously

How Fear of Nuclear Power is Hurting Our Ability to Generate Clean Energy

Michael Shellenberger, global thinker on energy, technology and the environment, presents a Ted Talk about the fear of nuclear impeding the world”s ability to produce clean energy. “We”re not in a clean energy revolution; we”re in a clean energy crisis,” says climate policy expert Michael Shellenberger. His surprising solution: nuclear. In this passionate talk, he