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Portable in Vitro Multi-Well Chamber for Exposing Airborne Nanomaterials at the Air Liquid Interface Using Electrostatic Deposition

US Patent 9588105 B1, 7 Mar 2017. This invention relates generally to the field of particle deposition on a material. More particularly, it relates to an apparatus for the deposition of nanoparticles onto a biological material. Continuous innovation in synthesis and characterization of NMs have led to a more advanced understanding of the relationship between

Missile Defense Market Poised for Growth

The State Department in January authorized the SM-6 for foreign military sales, a move that could be a financial boon for Raytheonโ€™s overseas market. The SM-6 provides ships with extended-range protection against fixed and rotary-wing aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles in the terminal phase of flight, according to Raytheon.

Fix the Fleet! US Navy Makes Maintenance Top Priority

The latest list from the US Navy was sent to Congress Jan. 5, updating a similar list sent over at the end of February but rejiggered in light of the new 355-ship Force Structure Assessment, changes in requirements and the lateness of the fiscal year, which limit what can be done in the current budget.

The Power and Promise of High Power Electromagnetic Weapons

How effective would you be without your electronics? The US Air Force currently has the technology to win many battles without harming a soul. Mary Lou Robinson, Chief of the High Power Electromagnetics Division of the Air Force Research Laboratory at Kirtland Air Force Base, takes us into the world of high-tech electromagnetic warfareโ€“ and

Navy Orders EW Jammers to Foil Detonation of Improvised Explosive Devices

INDIAN HEAD, Md. โ€“ U.S. military explosives-disposal experts are ordering additional electronic warfare (EW) jammers for deployed infantry warfighters to counter improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in dangerous parts of the world. Officials of the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) in Indian Head, Md., announced a $31 million order last Wednesday to Sierra Nevada Corp. in

Can China and Russia Make U.S. Aircraft Carriers Obsolete?

The United States Navy is absolutely confident in the ability of its aircraft carriers and carrier air wings to fly and fight within zones defended by so-called anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) weapons. Both Russia and Chinaโ€”and to a lesser extent Iranโ€”have been developing layered anti-ship and anti-aircraft defenses that would make it more difficult for the

Navy Tests Anti-Swarm Boat Missile on Littoral Combat Ship USS Detroit

The U.S. Navy conducted its first test of a short-range missile system designed to protect a Littoral Combat Ship against swarming threats. The test marked the first launch of a missile from the Surface to Surface Missile Module (SSMM) from a Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) as well as the first vertical missile launched from an

Augmentics Research Improves Man-Machine Interactivity, Situation Awareness

IHMC researchers Anil Raj and Sergey Drakunov work to improve the interactivity and situation awareness between individuals and the technological systems with which they interact. The methods use integrated multisensory, multimodal and neural interfaces to both help people understand the behavior and state of a device or system and enable automation in technological systems to

PEARL Microgrid Shows New Possibilities in Military Energy Resiliency

The Air Force Research Laboratory is leading the way for resilient, cleaner, and cost-competitive energy solutions for military installations. AFRLโ€™s Advanced Power Technology Office and the Hawaii Center for Advanced Transportation Technologies have initiated the design of the Pacific Energy Assurance and Resiliency Laboratory, or PEARL, a renewable energy microgrid laboratory that is part of

USAMMA Works to Medically Equip the Army for Less Money

The U.S. Army Medical Materiel Agency teamed up with Defense Health Agency, Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support and the Navy Printing Office to significantly reduce the cost of a common and essential tool used on the battlefield โ€“ the Tactical Combat Casualty Care card. The TCCC card, officially known as DD Form 1380, is a

New Injection-Grade Additive Produces Highly Repellent Plastics

An injection-grade additive that makes plastic surfaces highly repellent to water, dirt, mud and ice was introduced today by NBD Nanotechnologies (Boston, MA). The additive is the first product in the companyโ€™s RepelShell line to reach the market. The patented formulation is composed of functionalized molecules that are drop-in additives during plastic compounding. NBDโ€™s hybrid

Army Designs Small-Unit Sustainment System that Deploys Rapidly for Soldiers

Soldiers on the move in small units need a shelter they can set up quickly, use as an operations center and still get a good nightโ€™s sleep, Army researchers say. A project is underway to give soldiers a solution, one that infantry soldiers have already put to the test. The Small Unit Sustainment System is