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High-Performance, Low-Energy Artificial Synapse for Neural Network Computing

A new organic artificial synapse made by Stanford researchers could support computers that better recreate the way the human brain processes information. It could also lead to improvements in brain-machine technologies. For all the improvements in computer technology over the years, we still struggle to recreate the low-energy, elegant processing of the human brain. Now,

AMRDEC Scientist Helps Advance Research for Alternative Energy

A U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center senior research scientist helped develop tiny nanoparticles that convert carbon dioxide into methane using only ultraviolent light as an energy source. Dr. Henry Everitt has been working with the chemistry department at Duke University to explore new ways light can be used to add

Intel Introduces Versatile New FPGA for Industrial and Automotive Markets

SANTA CLARA, Calif.–To serve the growing number of Internet of Things (IoT) applications, Intel Corporation today announced the Intel® Cyclone® 10 family of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Designed to deliver fast and power-efficient processing, they have a variety of uses, including for automotive, industrial automation, pro audio visual and vision systems. As the “things”

Navy RFI – FY18-22 SEASABER Increment 1 Development and Production

The Department of the Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), has issued a Request For Information (RFI) on behalf of the Program Executive Office (PEO) Integrated Warfare Systems (IWS) 2.0 Above Water Sensors Directorate. The Government is conducting market research seeking industry inputs on laser weapon system development solutions applicable to U.S. Navy guided missile

What to Know About the GBU-43/B, ‘Mother of All Bombs’

The “Mother of All Bombs,” the GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast, is the most powerful non-nuclear weapon in America’s arsenal, and it was used for the first time in combat on April 13 in Afghanistan against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. If you’ve never heard of this bomb, you’re likely not alone. …

Future Drones Smarter, More Lethal, Stealthy

“The ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) side will get a lot smarter. With the next generation, you will see UAVs that are faster, more maneuverable and maybe stealthy. You will see them accompanying fighters with extra weapons, EW (electronic warfare), countermeasures and even lasers on board,” Air Force Chief Scientist Greg Zacharias told Scout Warrior in

U.S. Patent Awarded to Design and 3D Print Rocket Fuel

Rocket Crafters, Inc. (RCI) announced today a U.S. patent was granted to co-founder, President & CTO Ronald Jones for a method for designing and fabricating flawless, high-performance, safer handling fuel grains for hybrid rocket engines using additive manufacturing technology (also known as 3D printing).

Turkey to Develop Surveillance Balloons for Border Protection

ANKARA, Turkey — Military electronics specialist Aselsan, Turkey’s largest defense company, is developing two different types of surveillance and reconnaissance balloons — also called mini-zeppelins — to mainly be used along the country’s southeastern borders with Iraq and Syria. The balloons are expected to function like Lockheed Martin’s Persistent Threat Detection System, a tethered aerostat-based

Unmanned Aerial Systems Traffic Management

The traffic-management system supports UAS civilian applications that operate at lower altitudes. NASA has developed a traffic management system for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) to maintain safe and efficient UAS operations. This novel technology enables the growth in civilian applications of UAS operations at lower altitudes by developing a UAS Traffic Management (UTM) system. There

”Mad scientists” Discuss Emerging Tech as Army Releases Strategy on Robots

Swarms of robots scouring enemy terrain ahead of ground troops outfitted in high-tech exoskeleton suits are among the many ideas proposed in the Army”s new strategy on robotic and autonomous systems. In the not too distant future, Army leaders believe, war will be far more complex, calling upon Soldiers to engage enemies in multiple domains

Common Unmanned Surface Vehicle May Take on Missions Beyond Minesweeping

Now in water testing: an unmanned surface boat designed to launch from the littoral combat ship to assist with the location and destruction of undersea mines. But according to the boat’s creators at Textron Systems, the technology may have a much broader range of uses in the future. The system in question is the common

Army Demos Combat Vehicle/Laser Weapon Integration at UAS Hard-Kill Challenge

Members of the USASMDC/ARSTRAT Technical Center”s Air and Missile Defense Directorate participated in the Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization, or JIDO, UAS Hard-Kill Challenge at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, from Feb. 27 to March 3. During the challenge, the Mobile Expeditionary High Energy Laser 2.0, or MEHEL 2.0, demonstrated its counter-unmanned aircraft system, or