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U.S. Navy Wants a Floating Fiber Optic Network as Backup

The U.S. Navy relies upon satellite and other communications systems to make sure ships, planes, and sailors can share information across the Seven Seas. In peacetime, those systems are a given. But what happens in wartime, when satellites are shot down and other forms of comms are jammed or otherwise disrupted? That”s a very good

Applying Game Theory and Computer Simulation to Fault Tree Analysis

Fault tree analysis is a useful probability theory-based tool for evaluating a system’s risk and reliability. Typically, fault trees are populated with basic event failure probabilities from a variety of quantitative and qualitative sources. This article presents a new methodology that combines simulation with game theory to populate a fault tree with strictly quantitative probability

Northern Ohio Institutions Become Laboratories for Future Energy Usage

Case Western Reserve University, NASA Glenn Research Center and the University of Toledo will serve as “living laboratories” that demonstrate the value of integrating distributed energy sources with the assortment of devices, equipment and other power consumers within buildings and across the grid. The effort begins this month with a one-year award administered by Pacific

Paintable Liquid Thermoelectric Material for Harvesting Electric Energy from Waste Heat

A new study, led by Professor Jae Sung Son of Materials Science and Engineering at UNIST has succeeded in developing a new technique that can be used to turn industrial waste heat into electricity for vehicles and other applications. In their study, the team presented a new type of high-performance thermoelectric (TE) materials that possess

DOD 2016 Year in Review Special Report

This report highlights the Defense Department”s top 10 issues in 2016. During the year, DoD continued to counter terrorism and proceed with missions in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and Afghanistan. Defense Secretary Ash Carter expanded efforts to build the Force of the Future while seeking new technologies, promoting the well-being of troops and pushing for

Directly Converting Heat to Electricity Using Compact, Microfabricated Thermionic Devices

Jared Schwede and Daniel Riley completed their Ph.D.s in the department of physics at Stanford University. At Stanford, they were part of a world-leading research group on thermionic energy converters, focusing on a breakthrough solar conversion process based on photon-enhanced thermionic energy conversion, which harvests both photon and heat energy from the sun”s spectrum. Dan

Multi-Domain Battle: A ‘Highly Lethal’ War of ‘Fleeting’ Advantages

The US Army isn’t counting on airpower in the next war. Without that cover, there won’t be supply drops, recon drones or medevac helicopters picking up your casualties — and you will have casualties. “Land-based forces now are going to have to penetrate denied areas to facilitate air and naval forces. This is the exact

Next Generation Autonomous Drones Set to Revolutionize Warfare

One of the biggest revolutions over the past 15 years of war has been the rise of the drones — remotely piloted vehicles that do everything from conduct air strikes to dismantle roadside bombs. Now, a new generation of drones is coming. Only this time they are autonomous — able to operate on their own

Marines To Pair Laser Weapon With Stinger Missile For Mobile Ground Unit Protection

The Marine Corps is moving towards a future in which small dispersed units can protect themselves from incoming enemy drones with laser weapons and from missiles and aircraft with Stinger missiles, with both weapons netted into a detection system and mounted atop Humvees, Joint Light Tactical Vehicles and other combat vehicles. Lt. Gen. Robert Walsh,

Optical Fiber Edging Laser Weapons Closer to the Battlefield

Silently, the drone aircraft glides above the arid terrain of New Mexico — until it suddenly pivots out of control and plummets to the ground. Then a mortar round rises from its launcher, arcs high and begins to descend towards its target — only to flare and explode in mid-flight. On the desert floor, on

Maritime Hybrid Warfare Is Coming

On a summer’s evening in the sweltering South China Sea, a coastal steamer of nearly 2,000 tons approaches a Vietnamese fishing fleet in the exclusive economic zone of Vietnam, some 150 miles off that nation’s coast. The steamer loiters in the area for an hour or two as night falls. Suddenly from the side of

BAE Systems Debuts Next Generation Bradley Prototype

BAE Systems’ Next Generation Bradley Fighting Vehicle demonstrator is debuting today at the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) annual meeting in Washington, D.C. The concept vehicle features an upgraded chassis that allows for significantly increased underbelly protection, improved force protection for mounted troops, compartmentation of fuel and ordnance, and more space and electrical