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U.S. Army Testing Aim-Stabilized Weapons

This month the U.S. Army”s Army Expeditionary Warrior Experiments (AEWE) program tested the AimLock Stabilized Weapon Platform for the first time during a live fire exercise. This ungainly-looking gun seeks to revolutionize the average infantryman”s combat effectiveness by removing human error from the equation entirely. A civilian development company called Rocky Mountain Scientific Laboratory (RMSL),

View DoD Projects to Reduce Safety and Health Impacts of Energetic Materials and Munitions

Energetic materials and munitions are used across DoD in mission critical applications such as rockets, missiles, ammunition, and pyrotechnic devices. In these applications, energetic materials and munitions must perform as designed to ensure success in both training and combat operations. There are, however, potential environmental, occupational safety and health risks associated with these materials. Mitigating

Aviation Enhancements, Better Biosensors Could Result from New Sensor Technology

Piezoelectric sensors measure changes in pressure, acceleration, temperature, strain or force and are used in a vast array of devices important to everyday life. However, these sensors often can be limited by the “white noise” they detect that can give engineers and health care workers false readings. Now, a University of Missouri College of Engineering

NRL Demonstrates Fiber Laser Sensor Technology for Structural Health Monitoring

Researchers at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Optical Sciences Division, in collaboration with the laboratory’s Material Science Division, for the first time have demonstrated successful detection of acoustic emission from cracks in riveted lap joints using a distributed feedback fiber laser-acoustic emission sensor. “An automated, in-situ structural health monitoring (SHM) system, capable of monitoring

DARPA Program Aims to Facilitate Robotic Servicing of Geosynchronous Satellites

Hundreds of military, government and commercial satellites reside today in geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO) some 22,000 miles (36,000 kilometers) above the Earth—a perch ideal for providing communications, meteorology and national security services, but one so remote as to preclude inspection and diagnosis of malfunctioning components, much less upgrades or repairs. Even fully functional satellites sometimes

Power Up: Next Generation Energy Storage Technologies

Researchers have made significant strides in new energy generation technologies. Yet, before renewable sources can make a significant contribution to our energy supply, similar strides will be needed in energy storage, making it the new holy grail. “When it comes to renewable energy sources, there can be a mismatch between when power is available and

DoD Releases Additive Manufacturing Roadmap

This integrated U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Additive Manufacturing (AM) Roadmap, released in 2016, provides a foundation and framework for…

Navy Looking to Improve Energetic Materials for More Powerful, Smaller Munitions

Even by the standards of a military installation, Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head can be a dangerous place. The center on the Potomac River in Southern Maryland is where the Navy”s bomb makers come up with new ways to blow things up. Once explosives and rockets are packed up and sent out to the

Hypersonic Flight Is Coming: Will the U.S. Lead the Way?

The world is at the start of a renaissance in supersonic and hypersonic flight that will transform aviation, but the effort will need steady commitment and funding if the United States wants to lead the way, congressional leaders and industry officials said at a forum late last month. “What”s exciting about aerospace today is that

Leonardo Unveils Net-Centric Centauro II Armored Vehicle

Power, observation, mobility, ergonomics, firing accuracy, communication, and, of course, best survivability: these are the basic requirements that have led to the development and production of the latest member of the Centauro family, the new Centauro II armoured vehicle, a product with an outstanding amount of technological content, unique in its category. Cutting-edge technology Equipped

New Self-Calibrating Sensors Could Help Curb Energy Use

New system from MIT can identify how much power is being used by each device in a household. If you want to save on your monthly electric bill and reduce your greenhouse gas emissions at the same time, you might buy a new, energy-efficient refrigerator. Or water heater. Or clothes dryer. But if you can

Pervasive Computing Environment and Thought Sensors May Improve Soldier-Soldier and Soldier-Machine Communication

Imagine a time…when soldiers use thought sensors to communicate between man and machine. U.S. Army research on wearable technologies could lead to a future in which soldiers wear helmets with embedded thought sensors to communicate with one another and autonomous systems. For now, scientists have developed a prototype architecture that will allow soldiers equipped with