Join us for the May 2020 JANNAF meeting held Monday through Friday, 18 – 22 May 2020, at the Wyndham Grand Pittsburgh in downtown Pittsburgh, PA. The meeting will include the Joint Meeting of the 46th Structures and Mechanical Behavior, 42nd Propellant and Explosives Development and Characterization, 33rd Rocket Nozzle Technology, 31st Safety and Environmental Protection, and 14th Modeling and Simulation subcommittees, as well as the 67th JANNAF Propulsion Meeting and meeting of the Programmatic and Industrial Base. Mr. Paul J. Conroy from the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (Combat Capabilities Development Command), Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, is the meeting chair.

Hosted By: JHU WSE Energetics Research Group
Location: Wyndham Grand Pittsburgh, Downtown Pittsburgh, PA
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