During the week of 24-28 March 2025, the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), on behalf of the DoD Space Community of Interest (COI), will host a virtual technology interchange meeting (TIM) with industry partners invested in space-related technologies. This invitation is open to all domestic (US) partners with IR&D and other corporate investments in science and technology, including large and small businesses, academia, National Labs, and FFRDCs with a current certified DD Form 2345 (Military Critical Technical Data Agreement).
Intent, Background, & Scope
The intent of this virtual engagement is to give industry/corporate partners an opportunity to provide government subject matter experts from varying backgrounds in space — space domain awareness; space-based sensing; space access, mobility, and logistics; space spectrum warfare, space superiority, etc., — insight into their relevant IR&D investment projects. Additional objectives of this technology exchange include increasing awareness, opening collaboration opportunities, and seeking alignment between industry’s IR&D investments and US Space Force high-priority science and technology needs, and to inform DoD relevant R&D, acquisition and sustainment roadmaps.
Background: US space advantage is facing ever-increasing challenges driving the need to reoptimize for Great Power Competition. Many nations have recognized US military space advantages and are moving aggressively to mirror/surpass and to disrupt/deny US and allied capabilities. These efforts extend across civil/commercial/military space capabilities supporting US space power & its application in peace/crisis/conflict. Key challenges include our nation’s eroding space S&T advantage in education, personnel, infrastructure and investment. This erosion continues as allies, competitors, potential adversaries increase space S&T focus and investments within increasingly Space interconnected/global research ecosystems.