The 2020 International High Power Laser Ablation (HPLA) Symposium will be held on April 14-17, 2020, in Santa Fe, NM.
Since 1998, the International HPLA Symposia have provided a unique forum for exchange of ideas on the physics and application of high power laser-materials interaction, including advances in relevant high-power laser sources and problems of beam propagation and detection, in a collegial atmosphere. This will be our 13th meeting. The HPLA series is one of the first scientific conferences to be organized around a broad physical phenomenon (laser ablation and its applications) rather than one narrow technology. HPLA treats advances in all related aspects from basic physics to applications.
Since 2002, the International Symposia on Beamed Energy Propulsion (BEP) have brought together organizations and individuals interested in developing beamed-energy propulsion vehicles, engines, schemes, and concepts into space transportation systems of the future. BEP includes microwave sources, as well as lasers and drivers. These meetings offer an exceptional opportunity for researchers in the BEP field to present the current results of their studies.

Hosted By: Blue52 Productions
Location: Santa Fe, NM
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