POSTED:  April 1, 2019

The Advanced Joint Effectiveness Model, or AJEM, is a survivability, lethality, and vulnerability (SLV) computer simulation code capable of analyzing one or more threats attacking a one or more rotary-wing or fixed-wing aircraft, small watercraft, ground-mobile system, and mounted or dis-mounted personnel. It combines elements of target modeling, threat modeling, encounter kinematics, generation of weapon burst points, propagation of damage mechanisms to the target, damage mechanism/target interaction (penetration, fire, blast, behind-armor-debris (BAD), etc.), target system relationships (functionality, redundancies, etc.), and target remaining capability or loss of function.

AJEM produces results that are applicable during all phases of weapon system acquisition, from research, design, and development to production test and evaluation. The results are relevant to both acquisition decision makers and soldiers in the field.


AJEM includes the following submodules: BRL-CAD, ORCA, FATEPEN, ProjPen, and FIRST and can be executed via command-line or using the AJEM Graphical User Interface on both the Windows and Linux platforms.


Technical questions regarding AJEM can be directed to the AJEM Help Desk.


AJEM requires the following data input for execution and analysis:

  • Geometric target description - BRL-CAD format
  • Criticality/Fault tree data
  • Component Pcd/h data
  • System probability of kill given damage data
  • Threat characterization data

Model Access Instructions

CAC/ECA/PIV holder: Simply log in to our Member Portal to request this product. Do not use the forms below if you have a CAC, ECA, or PIV.

If you do not have a CAC, ECA, or PIV use the button below to request this product.