The Advanced Joint Effectiveness Model, or AJEM, is a survivability, lethality, and vulnerability (SLV) computer simulation code capable of analyzing one or more threats attacking a one or more rotary-wing or fixed-wing aircraft, small watercraft, ground-mobile system, and mounted or dis-mounted personnel. It combines elements of target modeling, threat modeling, encounter kinematics, generation of weapon burst points, propagation of damage mechanisms to the target, damage mechanism/target interaction (penetration, fire, blast, behind-armor-debris (BAD), etc.), target system relationships (functionality, redundancies, etc.), and target remaining capability or loss of function.
AJEM includes the following submodules: BRL-CAD, ORCA, FATEPEN, ProjPen, and FIRST and can be executed via command-line or using the AJEM Graphical User Interface on both the Windows and Linux platforms.
Technical questions regarding AJEM can be directed to the AJEM Help Desk.