What federal government research focuses on converting 2-D images/videos into 3-D models?

Source: https://www.eglin.af.mil/

Posted: October 19, 2022

Deadline: November 3, 2022

The Defense Systems Information Analysis Center (DSIAC) is looking for any U.S. government/Department of Defense (DoD) programs, projects, or studies that focus on converting two-dimensional (2-D) images/videos into three-dimensional (3-D) models in support of the DoD.  This could include developments, contracts, software/tool licenses, and hardware involving photogrammetry, laser scanning, computed tomography, and similar capabilities.  Any answers to this inquiry can be emailed to DSIAC analyst Travis Kneen (travis.j.kneen.ctr@mail.mil) or posted on the DTIC DoDTechipedia forum that can be accessed below.

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