Notable Technical Inquiries (TIs)

Notable Inquiries

Notable TIs are findings and/or summaries of responses to the most recent and impactful technical inquiries submitted by DSIAC members under our 4 free hours of information research support.

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What research is available on replacing conventional graphite in lithium-ion batteries with silicon oxycarbide?

What research is available on replacing conventional graphite in lithium-ion batteries with silicon oxycarbide?

What is the state of the science on liquid metal embrittlement?

What is the state of the science on liquid metal embrittlement?

What are the applications of hemp fibers for textiles?

What are the applications of hemp fibers for textiles?

How is the U.S. Department of Defense conceptualizing the ultralow-cost unmanned aircraft system phenomenon after its widespread success in Ukraine?

How is the U.S. Department of Defense conceptualizing the ultralow-cost unmanned aircraft system phenomenon after its widespread success in Ukraine?

Qualification and Certification of Powder Bed Fusion Additively Manufactured Components

What forms of additive manufacturing have been qualified for military use?

Laser-Cladding Materials

Is there research on laser-cladding materials that does not require heat treatment?

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