Current State and Future Directions of Composites Additive Manufacturing (AM) for Limited Life Aircraft Structure

The Advanced Grid-Stiffened Composite Payload Fairing, the structure, 20 feet long and 5 feet wide, features a compound-based, triangular rib pattern with an outer covering that resembles a blimp-shaped design, maintains a strength that is pound per pound stronger than steel. Photo by VIRIN: 070226-F-8560B-002; source:
The Advanced Grid-Stiffened Composite Payload Fairing, the structure, 20 feet long and 5 feet wide, features a compound-based, triangular rib pattern with an outer covering that resembles a blimp-shaped design, maintains a strength that is pound per pound stronger than steel. Photo by VIRIN: 070226-F-8560B-002; source:

Presented: March 20, 2024 12:00 pm (ET)
Presented by: Dennis Butcher

Continuous fiber composites printing offers an elegant means to generate complex shapes, reinforce parts by leveraging the inherent anisotropy of fiber deposition, and enable a manufacturing paradigm dominated by digital engineering and distributed production.  However, these benefits are yet to be fully realized because of a host of design, material, processing, and integration challenges.

This presentation will describe recent advances within the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and our partners to mature composites AM, apply it to the Department of Air Force imperative, and deliver affordable mass via limited-life aircraft.  We will also explore technology gaps identified during these projects and discuss future maturation objectives to establish composites AM as a critical capability for the U.S. Department of Defense and industry.

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