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DSIAC hosts live online technical presentations featuring a DoD research and engineering topic within our technical focus areas.
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Upcoming Webinars
Launch Site Selection Using Inland Commercial Spaceports for Constellation Deployment
As nontraditional, inland spaceports start to become operational, there is a need to understand the viability of deploying satellite constellations from these potential commercial offerings for launching. This work investigates how utilizing a small launch…
Digital Twin Research and Development for a Metal Additive Manufacturing Process
A laser-based metal additive manufacturing process offers lower heat input, thus leading to less base metal distortion compared to traditional welding processes. Digital twin (DT) is a critical technology, as it gives insights into many…
The Next Frontier in Energy and Materials: Turbostratic Graphene
Unlike conventional single- or few-layer graphene, turbostratic graphene, which is derived from biomass feedstock, can perform across a wide range of metrics and applications. To raise awareness and increase domestic production of turbostratic graphene, this…
Better, Faster, Cheaper Metallic Components: NSF’s HAMMER-ERC
The U.S. National Science Foundation’s Hybrid Autonomous Manufacturing, Moving from Evolution to Revolution Engineering Research Center (NSF HAMMER-ERC) is a collaboration between five universities to develop agile manufacturing systems that use new tools and advanced…
Past Webinars
The Effects of Corrosion on Ballistic Protection of Armor and Methods to Prevent and Treat Corrosion in Armored Vehicles
The Defensive Equipment and Armored Vehicle Division (DEAV) of the Department of State (DoS) has seen repeated and extensive corrosion on armored vehicles (AVs) at…
Adapted Risk Assessment for Safety Certification of AI-Enabled Mission Software Applications
As the safety functional authority for fielding materiel solutions, the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command’s Safety Office uses risk management to certify that materiel…
Rotating Detonation Engine Propulsion Integration Efforts at the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory
Rotating detonation engines (RDEs) have garnered substantial attention as an emerging technology with applications to aerospace propulsion and energy generation due to their high-power density….
Applying the Autonomous Ground Vehicle Reference Architecture to MBSE
Utilizing model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is a key enabler for high-quality system design and application of Modular Open Systems Approach principles. The Autonomous Ground Vehicle…
Manufacturing, Modeling, and Characterizing Thermoplastic Composites for Military Vehicle Applications
This webinar focuses on developing methods for manufacturing structural thermoplastic composite materials, characterizing the mechanical properties of such composites, and modeling the static and dynamic…
ARL Hypervelocity Ballistic Range Experiments
The U.S. Army Research Laboratory’s (ARL’s) Transonic Experimental Facility (TEF) is an all-purpose research firing range that has been used to investigate propulsion, materials, flight,…