
DSIAC hosts live online technical presentations featuring a DoD research and engineering topic within our technical focus areas.

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A plane marked with an AFRL logo is taking flight

Material and Structure Considerations for Morphing Aerospace Skins

The U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory is leading an effort on increasing missile range and lethality against highly maneuverable targets through utilizing active morphing.  In this system, morphing is accomplished through articulating the neck region,…

Metallic parts on a table

Better, Faster, Cheaper Metallic Components: NSF’s HAMMER-ERC

The U.S. National Science Foundation’s Hybrid Autonomous Manufacturing, Moving from Evolution to Revolution Engineering Research Center (NSF HAMMER-ERC) is a collaboration between five universities to develop agile manufacturing systems that use new tools and advanced…

A 3-D printer for metal from Naval Surface Warfare Center

Digital Twin Research and Development for a Metal Additive Manufacturing Process

A laser-based metal additive manufacturing process offers lower heat input; thus leading to less base metal distortion compared to traditional welding processes. Digital twin (DT) is a critical technology, as it gives insights into many…

Global Navigation System microsatellite observatories hovering in space

Launch Site Selection Using Inland Commercial Spaceports for Constellation Deployment

As nontraditional, inland spaceports start to become operational, there is a need to understand the viability of deploying satellite constellations from these potential commercial offerings for launching. This work investigates how utilizing a small launch…

Past Webinars

USAF Non-Lethal Weapons Program: A Primer for Defense Professionals and De-escalating Geopolitical Tensions Throughout the Competition Continuum

This webinar provides insight into the U.S. Air Force’s (USAF’s) non-lethal weapons program. It consists of two parts. The first part is a primer on…

A Materials Science Perspective on Space Propulsion Technology

Space, especially the near-space frontier, is becoming increasingly important to world powers.  The space domain is integral to the military, politics, civilian life, and science….

High-Power, Radio Frequency/Microwave, Directed Energy Weapons Models and Simulations

This webinar presentation will provide a survey overview of the state of the art in modeling and simulation (M&S) tools related to researching and developing…

Electromagnetic Shielding With Composite Materials

Military and commercial vehicles operate in varied electromagnetic (EM) environments, which affect their onboard electrical/electronic systems.  Lightning, electromagnetic pulse (EMP), and high-power microwave energy can…

Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations

The electromagnetic environment (EME) is all around us. It is invisible, it is contiguous, and it is the medium through which nearly every piece of…

State of Machine Learning for Optimization of Additive Manufacturing to Support Military Applications

Additive manufacturing (AM) of plastic and metallic components offers a way to revolutionize and improve the military supply chain by providing the ability to build…