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BAE Systems Develops New Countermeasure System to Shield  Ground Vehicles From Missiles

BAE Systems, a global leader in electronic warfare, unveiled the new RAVEN countermeasure system designed to protect ground vehicles from anti-tank missiles. The RAVEN is a proven directable, infrared countermeasure capable of defeating anti-tank guided missiles, protecting ground vehicles and their crews, and improving mission effectiveness without the use of kinetic countermeasures. The new laser-based

U.S. Army Considers German-Built Armored Combat Vehicle, With U.S. Sensors and Embedded Computing

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Army is pursuing a new armored combat vehicle able to launch attack drones, carry longer-range, tube-launched, optically tracked, wire-guided (TOW) missiles, fire a 50-mm cannon, and operate “optionally-manned” technology, according to initial requirements outlined by service weapons developers. The effort is currently on the fast track; many industry teams are already

Military Camouflage Technology: Countering Thermal Imaging

Recent research in U.S. military camouflage technology has been looking at how to avoid detection from high-end thermal imaging – described as an emerging threat to the United States. What are the latest camouflage systems that the United States and Russia are developing and how can they help soldiers to avoid detection? Military camouflage technology