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Genetically Engineered Virus Spins Gold Into Beads

The race is on to find manufacturing techniques capable of arranging molecular and nanoscale objects with precision. Engineers at the University of California, Riverside (UCR), have altered a virus to arrange gold atoms into spheroids measuring a few nanometers in diameter. The finding could make production of some electronic components cheaper, easier, and faster. “Nature

Inspired by Nature: Design for New Electrode Could Boost Supercapacitors’ Performance

Engineers from the University of California at Los Angeles ( UCLA), four other universities produce nanoscale device that mimics the structure of tree branches. Mechanical engineers from the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science and four other institutions have designed a super-efficient and long-lasting electrode for supercapacitors. The device’s design was inspired

Better, Faster, Stronger: Building Batteries That Don’t Go Boom

Understanding how lithium reacts to pressure developed from charging and discharging a battery could mean safer, better batteries. There’s an old saying: “You must learn to walk before you learn to run.” Despite such wisdom, numerous industries skip the basics and sign up for marathons instead, including the battery industry. Lithium ion batteries hold incredible