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SOCOM Ramps Up Efforts to Develop “Cutting-Edge Data Techniques,” Opens New Data Engineering Lab

U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) is ramping up its efforts to develop “cutting-edge data techniques” like artificial intelligence (AI) to boost readiness and minimize costs. As part of that initiative, the Command unveiled its new Data Engineering Lab located at the SOFWERX facility in Tampa, FL, on Wednesday. SOFWERX was established under a partnership intermediary

The Next Big War Will Turn on AI, Says US Secret-Weapons Czar

William Roper says the military must get better at feeding the voracious learning algorithms that will fight future battles. The first day of the next major conflict shouldn’t look like war at all according to William Roper, who runs the Pentagon’s Strategic Capabilities Office, or SCO. Instead, imagine a sort of digital collection blitzkrieg, with

DARPA Molecular Data Storage Project to Handle Information Flood

U.S. military researchers will brief industry next month on a project to develop completely new kinds of data storage technologies that operate on the molecular and chemical level to handle vast streams of information from reconnaissance, electronic warfare, (EW), signals intelligence (SIGINT), persistent surveillance, and other data-intensive military applications. Officials of the U.S. Defense Advanced