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MIT’s Artificial Intelligence System Can Detect People, Postures and Movements Through Walls

Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven system can accurately locate, determine posture of and track multiple individuals even in the dark and through walls. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers demonstrated that the system could accurately “identify” somebody 83{d2304f17c1c5781bd42c49d7ef2597c7dacafd93ead076f1d04eacb3fdc44546} of the time out of a line-up of 100 individuals. Potential application for medical monitoring, search and rescue, and

Improving Mid-Infrared Imaging and Sensing

Artificial optical materials could allow cheaper, flatter, more efficient detectors for night vision and other uses. A new way of taking images in the mid-infrared part of the spectrum, developed by researchers at MIT and elsewhere, could enable a wide variety of applications, including thermal imaging, biomedical sensing, and free-space communication. The mid-infrared (mid-IR) band