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Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Instruments & Techniques

DSAIC staff performed a technology survey of potentially useful, commercially available instruments/systems for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), as well literature searches in the DTIC R&E Gateway and open sources for different useful research techniques. A list of…

Backpackable Compact Drone Systems with Advanced Navigation Capabilities

DSIAC staff searched open sources for commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) backpackable drone systems with both 4K video and advanced navigation capabilities.  We found that two well-known COTS manufacturers, SZ Dà-Ji_ng Innovations Science and Technology Co., Ltd (DJI),…


Neuro-Symbolic A.I. Is the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Picture a tray. On the tray is an assortment of shapes: Some cubes, others spheres. The shapes are made from a variety of different materials and represent an assortment of sizes. In total, there are,…