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Neuro-Symbolic A.I. Is the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Picture a tray. On the tray is an assortment of shapes: Some cubes, others spheres. The shapes are made from a variety of different materials and represent an assortment of sizes. In total, there are, perhaps, eight objects. My question: “Looking at the objects, are there an equal number of large things and metal spheres?”

Army Introduces Weld Automation for Next Generation Combat Vehicles

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, MD — To prepare for the future battlefield, the Army has defined a concept for its next generation of combat vehicles. These vehicles, encompassing a family of new platforms, will have advanced capabilities to ensure continued overmatch against adversaries for decades and beyond. Enhanced survivability is critical for these vehicles and will

Carnegie Mellon System Locates Shooters Using Smartphone Video

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have developed a system that can accurately locate a shooter based on video recordings from as few as three smartphones. When demonstrated using three video recordings from the 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas that left 58 people dead and hundreds wounded, the system correctly estimated the shooter”s actual location