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Mattis’ Infantry Task Force: Righting ‘A Generational Wrong’

Eight months ago, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis created the Close Combat Lethality Task Force to right a generational wrong. A retired Marine Corps infantryman himself, Mattis understood that America”s close combat forces, consisting of less than 4{d2304f17c1c5781bd42c49d7ef2597c7dacafd93ead076f1d04eacb3fdc44546} of those in uniform, had suffered more than 90{d2304f17c1c5781bd42c49d7ef2597c7dacafd93ead076f1d04eacb3fdc44546} of American combat deaths since the end of World

10 Years After Wanat: Lessons for Future Combat

Army leaders should look to this battle to prepare for brutal fights in the future. The attack began with a single burst of machine gun fire, followed by a score of rocket-propelled grenades. For the next 90 minutes, a platoon of U.S. soldiers and a handful of reinforcements would fight off a wave of more

Marines Already Revamping Close Combat Ahead of Mattis” Initiative

A senior Marine Corps leader told Congress recently that the service is already “in line” with Defense Secretary Jim Mattis” effort to make U.S. ground forces more lethal in close combat. Mattis sent out a Feb. 8 memorandum to all senior military leaders announcing the Secretary of Defense Close Combat Lethality Task Force — launching