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AI May Read Soldiers” Intents, Anticipate Their Needs

Scientists at the Army Research Lab are studying how brain activity could be harnessed to optimize a performance of a human-machine team. By feeding artificial intelligence systems information about a soldier”s intent, advanced systems “could dynamically respond and adapt to assist the soldier in completing the task,” said Jean Vettel, a senior neuroscientist at ARL”s

DARPA’s New Brain Device Increases Learning Speed by 40{05dcf356446b978828058459b63259cbd949ba30b3ab1afc5082accfc0e62d11}

An international team of scientists has created a non-invasive device that stimulates the brain to improve cognitive function. In tests on macaques, it reportedly increased the monkeys” learning speed by 40 percent. New research funded by the U.S. Department of Defense’s Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) has successfully demonstrated how a non-invasive method of

Augmentics Research Improves Man-Machine Interactivity, Situation Awareness

IHMC researchers Anil Raj and Sergey Drakunov work to improve the interactivity and situation awareness between individuals and the technological systems with which they interact. The methods use integrated multisensory, multimodal and neural interfaces to both help people understand the behavior and state of a device or system and enable automation in technological systems to