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AI May Read Soldiers” Intents, Anticipate Their Needs

Scientists at the Army Research Lab are studying how brain activity could be harnessed to optimize a performance of a human-machine team. By feeding artificial intelligence systems information about a soldier”s intent, advanced systems “could dynamically respond and adapt to assist the soldier in completing the task,” said Jean Vettel, a senior neuroscientist at ARL”s

Mattis’ Infantry Task Force: Righting ‘A Generational Wrong’

Eight months ago, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis created the Close Combat Lethality Task Force to right a generational wrong. A retired Marine Corps infantryman himself, Mattis understood that America”s close combat forces, consisting of less than 4{d2304f17c1c5781bd42c49d7ef2597c7dacafd93ead076f1d04eacb3fdc44546} of those in uniform, had suffered more than 90{d2304f17c1c5781bd42c49d7ef2597c7dacafd93ead076f1d04eacb3fdc44546} of American combat deaths since the end of World

With Sonic Weapon Attack, China Demonstrates Experimental Program

An employee at the U.S. embassy in Guangzhou, China allegedly suffered mild traumatic brain injury after hearing a vague and abnormal sound, which was revealed in a May 23 health alert released by the embassy. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was quick to draw similarities between the incident and a 2016 incident in Havana, Cuba,