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Navy, Industry Pursuing Autonomy Software, Reliable HM&E Systems for Unmanned Ships

ARLINGTON, VA – As the U.S. Navy moves forward with unmanned surface and undersea vessels in a range of sizes for myriad missions, some things remain constant among the vehicles: they will all need to continue making improvements in autonomy, the will all need parts that are reliable enough to go without human intervention for

Soldiers Soon to See Robotic Mules and Tougher Bomb Bots in the Field

The Army recently picked a couple of new robots to help troops in the field. One is a new heavy robot designed to help bomb technicians and another “robotic mule” to carry a squad’s load on dismounted patrols. Both are some of a larger effort to bring robotics technology into nearly every area of Army

Navy Pursues Advanced Drone Ship Mine-Hunting Tech

The Navy is continuing to move forward with development of the Unmanned Influence Sweep System (UISS) countermine technologies as part of its overall effort to create a fleet of unmanned vehicles capable of enhanced coordination while performing a wider range of technical operations. The Navy most recently affirmed its commitment to the UISS and the