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Hypersonics Development a Pentagon Top Technical Priority

WASHINGTON ― As China and Russia threaten to overtake the U.S. with new technologies, development of hypersonic capabilities is the “highest technical priority” for Michael Griffin, the Pentagon’s new undersecretary of defense for research and engineering. “I’m sorry for everybody out there who champion some other high priority, some technical thing; it’s not that I

Navy Seeking Role in National Hypersonics Initiative

Hypersonics hot topic at recent NDIA 19th Annual Science & Engineering Technology Conference. The Navy is seeking a seat at the table as the U.S. government establishes a national hypersonics initiative to leap ahead of rivals such as China and Russia who are also developing the game-changing technology. “A big push we have right now

Technology to Meet Hypersonic Threats Requires Sustained Funding, National Sense of Urgency

As China and Russia continue to demonstrate rapid progress in development of hypersonic strike weapons, the U.S.’s largest guided-missile company says technology to counter the threat is already achievable but that fielding a system requires sustained funding and a national sense of urgency. “We are at a tipping point in hypersonics. It is the number