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NRL Improves Optical Efficiency in Nanophotonic Devices

A team of physicists, headed by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), have demonstrated the means to improve the optical loss characteristics and transmission efficiency of hexagonal boron nitride devices, enabling very small lasers and nanoscale optics. “The applications for this research are considerably broad,” said Dr. Alexander J. Giles, research physicist, NRL Electronics Science

Energy Storage Solution Combines Polymers and Nanosheets

A new, lightweight composite material for energy storage in flexible electronics, electric vehicles and aerospace applications has been experimentally shown to store energy at operating temperatures well above current commercial polymers, according to a team of Penn State scientists. This polymer-based, ultrathin material can be produced using techniques already used in industry. This is the

Guiding Light: Sandia Creates 3-D Metasurfaces With Optical Possibilities

Metamaterials don’t exist in nature, but their ability to make ultra-thin lenses and ultra-efficient cell phone antennas, bend light to keep satellites cooler and let photovoltaics absorb more energy mean they offer a world of possibilities. Formed by nanostructures that act as “atoms,” arranged on a substrate to alter light’s path in ways no ordinary