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Insights Into Additive Manufacturing at Boeing with Leo Christodoulou

The use of 3D printing technology at Boeing could seem futuristic to some, featuring as it does levitating objects and spacecraft. But this is par for the course according to one Boeing director, “I’m not going to stick around for someone’s dream to come true, we just have to do it” says Leo Christodoulou. Christodoulou

Can China and Russia Make U.S. Aircraft Carriers Obsolete?

The United States Navy is absolutely confident in the ability of its aircraft carriers and carrier air wings to fly and fight within zones defended by so-called anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) weapons. Both Russia and China—and to a lesser extent Iran—have been developing layered anti-ship and anti-aircraft defenses that would make it more difficult for the

Navy LRASM Weapon to Fire From Ship Deck-Launcher

The Navy and Lockheed Martin are looking at developing a variant of the LRASM missile that fires from a deck-launcher on a ship – as opposed to having a weapon that only fires from aircraft and vertical launch tubes.The weapon is a collaborative effort between Lockheed, the Office of Naval Research and the Defense Advanced