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Historic Moment: U.S. Air Force F-35 Stealth Fighters Just Went Off to War

U.S. Air Force F-35 stealth fighters for the first time have deployed for combat. At least six F-35s from the 388th and 419th Fighter Wings on April 12, 2019 traveled from their home station at Hill Air Force Base in Utah to Al Dhafra airbase in the United Arab Emirates to participate in coalition air

Hybrid Theory: Lockheed Martin, Boeing pitch upgraded F-22, F-15

An F-22 with F-35 tech and a super-powered F-15 Eagle? The Air Force isn”t interested yet. Almost since the day the last F-22 Raptor fighter jet rolled out of Lockheed Martin”s assembly plant, the U.S. Air Force has been making plans for its successor—a “sixth generation” fighter aircraft to continue the U.S. military”s dominance of

The Future of Military Aviation Isn’t Unmanned — at Least for Now

With a rapidly developing military drone industry growing in prominence the world over, and heavyweight defense contractors like Northrop Grumman devoting a large portion of their overall R&D programs to unmanned aerial vehicles, it’s easy to see that the future of military aviation will be largely unmanned. The benefits of such a transition are extensive,