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Military Researchers See Non-Lethal Role for Talking Lasers

Say what? Laser plasma balls that can talk? The Pentagon? How, and for what? The answer is that instead of beaming a flashing light or shouting over a loudspeaker to keep people away from sensitive areas, new technology is being developed that could allow troops to fire a laser that can form a “plasma ball”

“Talking Lasers” That Beam Messages to Our Ears in the Works: Pentagon

Hold on to your tinfoil hats because there’s certainly a conspiracy theory a-brewin’ here. The Pentagon has confirmed it’s testing lasers that can talk. Huh? Weapons researchers at the U.S. Department of Defense have been working on less deadly means of warfare, including this laser weapon that can send brief messages — in the form

The U.S. Marines Want to Mount Powerful Lasers on Vehicles That Can Stun or Attack Out-of-Control Crowds

The Marine Corps is on the hunt for a vehicle-mounted laser system that can produce “sustainable and controllable plasma at range” for the purposes of crowd control, according to a U.S. government solicitation. A Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) solicitation details future needs for a Scalable Compact Ultra-short Pulse Laser Systems (SCUPLS) that, when integrated