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Nervana Engine Delivers Deep Learning at Ludicrous Speed!

Nervana is currently developing the Nervana Engine, an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) that is custom-designed and optimized for deep learning. Training a deep neural network involves many compute-intensive operations, including matrix multiplication of tensors and convolution. Graphics processing units (GPUs) are more well-suited to these operations than CPUs since GPUs were originally designed for

New Computing System Takes Its Cues From Human Brain

Some problems are so challenging to solve that even the most advanced computers need weeks, not seconds, to process them. Now a team of researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology and University of Notre Dame has created a new computing system that aims to tackle one of computing’s hardest problems in a fraction of the

New Computing System Takes Its Cues From Human Brain

Some problems are so challenging to solve that even the most advanced computers need weeks, not seconds, to process them. Now a team of researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology and University of Notre Dame has created a new computing system that aims to tackle one of computing’s hardest problems in a fraction of the