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DARPA’s New Brain Device Increases Learning Speed by 40{05dcf356446b978828058459b63259cbd949ba30b3ab1afc5082accfc0e62d11}

An international team of scientists has created a non-invasive device that stimulates the brain to improve cognitive function. In tests on macaques, it reportedly increased the monkeys” learning speed by 40 percent. New research funded by the U.S. Department of Defense’s Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) has successfully demonstrated how a non-invasive method of

3D Printed Ceramic: the Next Big Thing?

While everyone was celebrating New Year’s Eve, on the 1st of January 2016 a team of researchers at HRL Laboratories had other reasons to be joyful. They were just finalizing their process to 3D Print Ceramic. For more than 60 years, HRL’s scientists and engineers have been on the leading edge of technology, conducting pioneering