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With Sonic Weapon Attack, China Demonstrates Experimental Program

An employee at the U.S. embassy in Guangzhou, China allegedly suffered mild traumatic brain injury after hearing a vague and abnormal sound, which was revealed in a May 23 health alert released by the embassy. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was quick to draw similarities between the incident and a 2016 incident in Havana, Cuba,

Injectable Bandage Stops Internal Bleeding of Severe Wounds

A hydrogel made from nanoflakes of synthetic clay and sugar chains extracted from seaweed could act as an injectable bandage to stop internal bleeding on a battlefield, in a surgical suite, or at an accident site. Commercially available absorbant gauzes or gels prompt blood clotting and quickly stop bleeding when applied with pressure on external

Injectable Bandage Stops Internal Bleeding of Severe Wounds

A hydrogel made from nanoflakes of synthetic clay and sugar chains extracted from seaweed could act as an injectable bandage to stop internal bleeding on a battlefield, in a surgical suite, or at an accident site. Commercially available absorbant gauzes or gels prompt blood clotting and quickly stop bleeding when applied with pressure on external