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New Material for Splitting Water Could Make Hydrogen Production Cheaper

UNSW chemists have invented a new, cheap catalyst for splitting water with an electrical current to efficiently produce clean hydrogen fuel. UNSW chemists have invented a new, cheap catalyst for splitting water with an electrical current to efficiently produce clean hydrogen fuel. The technology is based on the creation of ultrathin slices of porous metal-organic

Bubbles Help New Catalysts Self-Optimize

Scientists at Rice University and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have predicted and created new two-dimensional electrocatalysts to extract hydrogen from water with high performance and low cost. In the process, they also created a simple model to screen materials for catalytic activity.

Bubbles Help New Catalysts Self-Optimize

Scientists at Rice University and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have predicted and created new two-dimensional electrocatalysts to extract hydrogen from water with high performance and low cost. In the process, they also created a simple model to screen materials for catalytic activity.