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Graphene and Silk Show Potential as Armor of the Future

A team of Imperial alumni and postdocs are combining silk with graphene to produce next generation armor for people, vehicles and buildings. “If you were shot by a handgun, Kevlar body armor will save you.” said Dr Gareth Tear, postgraduate researcher in shock physics, and one of the leads on the project. “But the armor

Flying Drones Could Recharge Wirelessly in Mid-Air

Scientists have demonstrated a highly efficient method for wirelessly transferring power to a drone while it is flying. The breakthrough could in theory allow flying drones to stay airborne indefinitely by simply hovering over a ground support vehicle to recharge opening up new potential industrial applications. The technology uses inductive coupling, a concept initially demonstrated

Making Some of the World”s Most Durable Materials Corrosion-Resistant

Borides are among the hardest and most heat-resistant substances on the planet, but their Achilles’ Heel, like so many materials’, is that they oxidize at high temperatures. Oxidation is the chemical reaction commonly known as corrosion or rusting — it can signal the end for a material’s structural integrity. But researchers from Drexel University, Linkoping