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What Is Industry 4.0, Anyway?

The four industrial revolutions: (1) Mechanization through water and steam power. (2) Mass production and assembly lines powered by electricity. (3) Computerization and automation. (4) Smart factories and cyber-physical systems. If you’ve been to a trade show or read an op-ed on manufacturing in the past few years, chances are you’ve seen the terms ‘Industry

IRS Seeks AI-Based Threat Detection

The IRS wants an artificial intelligence analytics platform that can help it proactively identify and mitigate cyber-related and insider threats on its systems. According to a June 27 request for information from the IRS cybersecurity division, the tax agency is looking for private industry examples of a cloud-based AI platform, machine learning analytics and a

Facebook Takes Flight – Inside the Test Flight of Facebook’s First Internet Drone

At 2AM, in the dark morning hours of June 28th, Mark Zuckerberg woke up and got on a plane. He was traveling to an aviation testing facility in Yuma, AZ, where a small Facebook team had been working on a secret project. Their mission: to design, build, and launch a high-altitude solar-powered plane, in the