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Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enable UAVs to Detect and Avoid Nearby Aircraft

Iris Automation Inc. in San Francisco is introducing Casia computer vision technology detect-and-avoid technology to enable beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Iris Automation Inc. in San Francisco is introducing Casia computer vision technology detect-and-avoid technology to enable beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The

Startup Makes Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Breakthroughs in Object Recognition, Imagery Analytics

ZAC – “We are developing a revolutionary technology leap in Artificial Intelligence, analytics, recognition, and search, based on General AI.” The recognition of objects is one of the main goals for computer vision research. 3-D object recognition has many industrial applications and applications in our daily lives. Some of the applications include: the automation on

Seeing Through Walls of Unknown Materials

Researchers at Duke University have devised a way to see through walls using a narrow band of microwave frequencies without any advance knowledge of what the walls are made out of. Besides having obvious applications in the realm of security, the approach could lead to inexpensive devices to help construction workers easily locate conduits, pipes