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Advanced Tools for Rapid Qualification

America Makes proudly announces its next Directed Project Opportunity made available today to its members for additive manufacturing (AM) applied research and development (R&D) projects for Advanced Tools for Rapid Qualification (ATRQ), funded by the Department of Defense (DoD), Office of the Secretary of Defense, Manufacturing and Industrial Base Policy Office (OSD/MIBP) through the Air

America Needs a Secure Supply of Critical Minerals

Critical minerals, including rare earth elements and metals, are the new oil. The modern world has become accustomed to and dependent on technologies that require rare earth parts. Yet for decades, as the U.S. fought and won battles against its dependence on foreign oil, it ceded complete control to China for rare earths and most

The US Is Running Out of Bombs — and It May Soon Struggle to Make More

The Pentagon plans to invest more than $20 billion in munitions in its next budget. But whether the industrial base will be there to support such massive buys in the future is up in the air — at a time when America is expending munitions at increasingly intense rates. The annual Industrial Capabilities report, put