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U.S. Researchers Show Potential of Lightweight Foam for Armoured Vehicles

Researchers at North Carolina State University have demonstrated a new composite metal foam (CMF) material that can stop armour-piercing .50-cal rounds from piercing armoured vehicles as effectively as steel, while having the advantage of weighing half as much. The discovery will allow military vehicles designers to develop much lighter armoured vehicles to the same safety

New Technique Makes Light Metallic Nanofoam

A simple method for manufacturing extremely low-density palladium nanofoams could help advance hydrogen storage technologies, reports a new study from the University of California, Davis. Traditional metallic foam manufacturing techniques may require high temperature, high pressure and controlled chemical environments. The UC Davis-led team instead relies on a wet chemistry approach that is well-suited for

Metal Foam Stops Bullets Without Cracking

Foam might not seem a likely way to stop a high-speed bullet, but a North Carolina researcher has developed a composite metal foam that stops bullets on contact.