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Small Businesses Sought for Space Accelerator Program

The Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles Directorate is reaching out to small businesses to explore space-based intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance technologies. The service is looking for companies that can fill technology gaps by working alongside the Catalyst Space Accelerator program, which is a public-private partnership. KiMar Gartman, director of the accelerator, said the research

Bad Weather ”Stormbreaker” Bomb Enters Testing

The all-weather precision guided bomb could enter service next year. The U.S. military’s new “Stormbreaker” guided bomb has entered operational testing and could be ready for service as early as next year. The new bomb will allow combat jets to strike moving targets on the ground using sensors capable of seeing through bad weather. In

UNIST Improves Remote Detection of Hazardous Radioactive Substances

Researchers propose a new method that might be used to detect nuclear hazards from up to a few hundred meters away. The team described experimental demonstration of real-time radioactive material detection using a high-power pulsed millimeter-wave source. They successfully detected of 0.5 µg of cobalt-60 at a distance of 4 feet. A recent study, affiliated